Project Guides & Articles

Summer Insect Control

Warm temperatures encourage pests to breed rapidly and swarm your plants. The closer your vegies get to harvest, the more disappointing it is when sucking or chewing insects ruin them! Find out how to head them off.

Spring Insect Control

Every year, the spring frenzy of fresh new leaf growth and flowers encourages a population explosion of sucking and chewing insect pests. Here's how to stop the little blighters from feasting on your garden.

The Yates History of Tough Times

Kiwi gardeners are continuing to embrace vegie gardening, to take control of high living costs. It's inspired us to have a look through our archives, to see how our great-grandparents did it, with tips from Great-Great-Grandma on how to start up your own 1930s garden!

Useful Tools

Seasonal Garden Calendar

Every month we have lots of seasonal tips and advice to get your plants in good health and thriving. We look forward to helping you and answering any questions you may have.

Seed Finder

What to know what to plant? When to plant? How to grow? We have everything that you need right here! Yates offers a wonderful tool to pick the best seeds for you, it is unique, useful and available right now!

Yates Garden Community

The future is here, the team at Yates HQ are excited to share the future of our Garden Community and how you can get involved! Stay tuned!
