The start of summer is hectic, but your garden is a tranquil refuge. Then, when the calm of holiday season arrives, grab yourself some proper garden time. There's no better place to relax, refresh and regroup. Gardening is good for the soul!


A Pre-Christmas Garden Blitz!

Christmas and New Year’s festivities are the perfect motivators for whipping your garden into shape. Here are a few simple ways to spruce up outdoor areas.

Sizzling Summer Lawn Care

Here are some summer lawn care tips to help you create a beautiful lush, green lawn for all those parties and games over summer.

Summer Fruit!

Look here for tips on looking after your fruit this month to keep them heathy and maximise productivity of delicious crops over the summer months.


Delicious Herbs, Vegies & More

There are lots of tasty vegetables and fragrant herbs you can plant in January including Basil, Chives, Radish and Lettuce. What to plant and where.

Vibrant Colour for The Summer Garden

Adding colour to your garden at this time of year is easy! There's a big range of beautiful perennials and annuals to choose from: check out our go-to favourites.

Caring for Your Fruiting Plants

Fruit trees require extra care over summer. Read more to learn what to do with peaches, passionfruit and potted fruit trees and how to treat sooty citrus.

Summer Rose Care

Pruning your roses in summer can give you a second flush of blooms in Autumn. Read more to learn about how to prune and protect your roses this summer.


What to Do in February

Here's the list of garden things you can do, right now! This month it's all about keeping the harvest in top gear, plus nipping pests and summer diseases in the bud.

Heavenly Harvest

It's harvest time – but for some crops it can be difficult to tell when it's ready. Here are some tips on how to tell when your vegies are ready to pick.

Flowery Dreaming

Flowers add beautiful vibrance and colour to any garden. Read more to learn how to look after them to keep them flowering for longer.

Summer Vegies

Bring bountiful brassicas from your garden to your plate! All sorts of delicious cabbages, Kohl Rabi and more.