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Autumn is a great time to plant almost anything, from tiny seedlings to large trees. It’s also an ideal time to choose plants for their autumn foliage colours.
Soil temperatures are still warm enough to encourage root growth, and milder temperatures reduce water stress. Young plants planted during autumn have a good chance to settle in well, making optimum growth under and above ground before they have to cope with summer heat. Often spring arrives with a blast of early high temperatures, which stresses young plants if their roots aren't well established.
In temperate and cool zones, autumn growth can be quite phenomenal, especially if mild temperatures are accompanied by good autumn rains. Roots become well established and foliage grows and hardens off before winter – stronger plants are more able to cope with extremes of temperature and dryness. Milder temperatures are kinder on gardeners too, after all…holes won’t dig themselves, you have to go outside!
Whether you are moving plants, getting ready for the arrival of winter roses or deciduous trees and fruits, or taking advantage of the milder weather to plant a new garden, soil preparation is the key to success. Prior to planting, improve your site soil by adding organics, such as a good sprinkling of Yates Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Food and dig it all in well.
During the cooler months, it's an ideal time to transplant trees, shrubs and perennial plants. The plants suffer less water loss and transplant shock is minimised as growth slows over autumn and winter. Many evergreens and most deciduous plants can be moved with a good chance of success, providing it’s done carefully and at the right time of year. The exception is most native plants which don't like root disturbance, and respond by turning up their toes!
When it comes to large trees and shrubs, you’ll be limited by the weight you can lift. A root ball 1 metre across can be surprisingly heavy and it might need four people to lift it. If the root ball is larger than you can physically handle, you’ll have to cut the roots back to a manageable size, which risks causing irreparable damage. In this case, it may be better to consult an expert arborist for advice. Despite these watch-outs, there's a lot you can do to improve your chances of success at transplanting time, including:
For planting out new trees from pots or polybags, follow the directions above, but begin at the 'digging the hole' stage. Try to minimise disturbance to the root ball when removing the tree from its container. If it doesn't want to come out, if it's in a polybag just cut the bag away, or if it's in a pot you can roll it gently back and forth on the ground to loosen it. If it's 'pot-bound', with roots circling the outside of the root ball, very gently tease out the roots with your fingers.
The drying heads of hydrangea flowers are an autumn reminder to begin monthly applications of Yates Hydrangea Blueing Liquid Aluminium Sulphate or Yates Hydrangea Pinking Liquid Lime Dolomite if you want to alter or intensify the flower colours in summer, by adjusting the pH of the soil around the roots. Dry flower heads can remain on the plants until winter, or pruned back to just above two fat leaf buds.
Cheery chrysanthemums are a classic Mother’s Day flower and a symbol of happiness and longevity in Japan. Potted chrysanthemums are a great gift, whilst garden chrysanthemums fill beds with colourful blooms. Indoors, choose a well-lit position for potted chrysanthemum and water every few days, but don’t leave them standing in saucers of water. Liquid feed using Yates Thrive Indoor Liquid Plant Food every two weeks, then after 4-6 weeks, as the display finishes, trim back spent stems at the base and plant outside in a sunny position with well-drained soil. Water well through summer, tip prune for compact bushy growth and liquid feed every 4-6 weeks and enjoy the show again next autumn.
Sow seeds of delightful winter and spring flowers to brighten up the garden. Many flowers can be sown directly where you want them to grow in the garden, including hardy and versatile sweet Alyssum Carpet of Snow, pretty blue Forget Me Not Little Bluebird and Iceland Poppy Artists Glory – which are also great for picking. For best results barely cover the small seeds with a fine layer of Yates Black Magic Seed Raising Mix and keep moist.
May is still a good month for sowing peas, so pop in some Sweet Pea Blue Reflections in spring they produce a bounty of scented blooms for picking. It’s not too late to sow pretty Pansy Imperial Antique or Wildflowers of the World in seed trays ready for planting out once seedlings have germinated. Add some colourful Calendula Pacific Beauty to the vegie patch where their bright yellow and orange flowers add winter and spring colour, and also attract bees and other beneficial insects.
Snails and slugs can come out of hiding in autumn and devour precious young seedlings overnight. Protect plants using Yates Blitzem Slug Snail Pellets, which attract and kill snails and slugs. Begin liquid feeding every two to three weeks after seeds have germinated using Yates Thrive Fish Blood Bone Plant Food Concentrate, which encourages healthy leaf growth and lots of beautiful flowers.
Citrus are handsome ornamental trees – with glossy green foliage, scented white blossoms and colourful fruit – a fabulous choice to display in large pots. And it's a great time to pot one up for yourself.
Here are our top tips for keeping potted citrus healthy and productive.
Makrut Lime is a delightful citrus tree to grow in a pot. It’s grown primarily for its highly aromatic leaves – just one or two added to your curry or stir fry brings an authentic Asian flavour to home-cooked meals. Regular feeding with Yates Thrive Fish Blood & Bone Plant Food encourages soft new growth. The hard green knobby fruits are great for zesting but filled with seeds, so if you like lime juice (or G&Ts), grow a delicious Tahitian Lime as well.
Scale – check citrus trees for scale insects. They look like small flattened dome-shaped bumps on stems, leaves or fruit. Types and colours of scale insects vary – they can be white, red, brown or pink, and can appear smooth or even look like cotton wool. A waxy or hard coating develops on adult scale insects and they rarely move. Sooty mould and ants are commonly seen where scale infestations occur. Control scale by spraying with ready to use Yates Natures Way Organic Citrus, Vegie Ornamental Spray.
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