This month is a celebration of Autumn planting and inspiring you to get out into the garden, enjoy the cooler weather and get planting!

Autumn is the new spring and a brilliant time to get growing!

The secret to success is by preparing soil with a fertiliser like Yates Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Food to create a strong foundation for a healthy and beautiful garden. 

Just like a house needs a solid foundation, plants need the right environment to be able to grow – and that is what good soil provides. Yates Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Food helps to create nutrient-rich soil.

Yates Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Food helps turns ordinary dirt into nutrient-rich soil through its unique blend of organic nutrients. It contains chicken manure, fish meal, blood & bone and seaweed that are compressed and pelletised together to slowly release into soil.  


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Spring Insect Control

Every year, the spring frenzy of fresh new leaf growth and flowers encourages a population explosion of sucking and chewing insect pests. Here's how to stop the little blighters from feasting on your garden.

The Yates History of Tough Times

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