Quick Tips:

Flowers for spring

  • Acroclinium, ageratum, alyssum, antirrhinum, aquilegia, candytuft, Canterbury bells, centaurea, annual chrysanthemum, cineraria, delphinium, dianthus, forget-me-not, gaillardia, godetia, gypsophila, helichrysum, larkspur, linaria, lobelia, French marigold, mignonette, nasturtium, nemesia, pansy, polyanthus, poppy, primula, saponaria, scabiosa, schizanthus, statice, stock, sweet pea, sweet William, viola, wallflower.

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Yates Rose Gun Spray - Ready to Use

A systemic fungicide and contact insecticide, kills pests and mites on contact and systemically works from within the plant to control common diseases.

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