Immaculate Lawn

We’ve been working behind the scenes to completely redevelop our lawn food range. Our product team have immersed themselves in cutting-edge plant nutrition tech to create some innovative new fertilisers, with unique benefits.

We think this new range is a big leap forward from what’s previously been available. No matter what type of lawn you have, we have it covered...for up to 6 months!

Beginner Intermediate Advanced

Slow and steady wins the race!

There are real advantages to using a premium slow-release lawn fertiliser. Reduced frequency of application is an obvious one, but avoiding surges or spikes in growth and nutrient overload is also a major benefit. Slow-release fertilisers perform consistently well throughout the year because they supply just enough nutrients to match the grass’s needs, whether it’s dormant or growing flat-out. They tend to be more expensive than standard granular fast release fertilisers, but we think the benefits make this this type of fertiliser the best value for money.

Much of the nitrogen in slow-release fertilisers is in the form of urea. Urea can’t be immediately absorbed by grass; it needs to be broken down into a form the grass can use by the soil microbes around its roots. Your lawn grass and microbial soil community underneath it are in sync with each other, and with the seasons - when the grass becomes dormant, the microbes are also snoozing. As soil temperature rises and everything begins to speed up, grass nutrition is able to accelerate, because the microbes are keeping pace with the grass. For controlled release lawn foods, this means that nutrients are only supplied at the rate grass can use them.

In comparison, the nitrogen in cheaper fast release fertilisers is in the form of ammonium or nitrates, which plants can absorb for themselves. That’s OK if the grass is awake and active, but the excess nutrients in fast-release fertilisers can go to waste at cooler times of the year. If you feed your lawn a big dump of fast release fertiliser in cold conditions, it won't be completely absorbed by the grass. Because nitrates are very water-soluble, the excess will eventually leach into groundwater. This has long been a concern for the Yates team; we want our great-grandkids to be able to swim in the local creek. So, we decided to be part of the solution, by making all of our new lawn fertilisers slow release.


Yates Lawn Fertiliser Twice A Year is a professional grade controlled release granular fertiliser, suitable for all New Zealand lawn types. Designed to give you a strong, green and healthy lawn, Yates Lawn Fertiliser Twice a Year releases nitrogen and potassium for up to an impressive 6 months, so you achieve a long-lasting consistent result, without surge growth. Nutrient runoff and nitrate leaching are minimised.

Spend more time enjoying your lawn, and less time caring for it! Simply feed your lawn twice a year.

Yates Lawn Fertiliser Quarterly is a premium granular lawn food designed to give you a strong, green and healthy lawn. The fine granules dissolve when watered in and quickly filter down to the roots. Ideal for all lawn types, it combines the benefits of both fast-acting and gradually released nitrogen: it contains just enough fast release nitrogen to deliver rapid greening within 7 days, while the slow release continues to feed over a prolonged 12-week period. If you’d like to see results quickly and keep on seeing them for a whole season, this is the one to go for.

Slow and steady…and even easier, cos it’s a hose on.

Traditionally, liquid lawn foods have only been available in fast release versions, but our development team have overcome this limitation. We’re proud to have created a unique slow-release liquid fertiliser, that feeds your lawn gradually for up to 12 weeks. This innovative product combines the benefits of a liquid formulation with all the advantages of a slow release fertiliser. Even better, it’s a hose-on, for ultimate convenience!

Yates Lawn Fertiliser Quarterly - Hose On is a fully featured lawn food that delivers thicker, greener and healthier lawns, powered by state-of-the-art ingredients. It contains seaweed, humates to stimulate the beneficial lawn microbes that feed your grass, iron, magnesium and trace elements to deliver a deep green, lush lawn and a wetting agent to boost water penetration into soil. The clever methylene urea formulation delivers the extended 12-week feed duration.

And this product offers another big benefit: the seaweed ingredient helps to reduce lawn stress. Working in combination with the other rich ingredients, seaweed makes Yates Lawn Fertiliser Quarterly Hose On a great choice to help a stressed or dried out lawn bounce back.

Baby food, for baby lawns.

Because it’s easy to stress or damage delicate grass seedlings (newly sown lawns are especially prone to fertiliser burn), we developed a product which is safe to use on freshly sown grass.  Yates Lawn Fertiliser for New Lawns is designed to give your new lawn the right nutrients to encourage fast establishment of grass, then feeding for up to 12 weeks. Even better, the slow-release feed is delivered by a methylene urea formula, that reduces the potential for nitrogen leaching.

Yates Lawn Fertiliser for New Lawns contains just the right blend of nutrients to gently kickstart your lawn. If you’re sowing or oversowing a lawn, this product protects your investment – both money and time! It’s versatile, too. It’s safe enough to apply at the same time as you sow fresh lawn seed, or you can sprinkle it over the top of a young lawn – both methods deliver really great results.

It contains a rich blend of ingredients including a natural seaweed biostimulant, humic acids to stimulate beneficial microbes, iron, magnesium and trace elements (for a deep green colour) and a natural wetting agent to help boost water penetration into soil.


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Yates Lawn Fertiliser Twice A Year

Simply feed your lawn twice a year. A pro grade controlled release fertiliser that releases nutrients for up to 6 months, to feed your lawn in a precise controlled fashion - that keeps pace with your lawns nutrient demands.

Yates Lawn Fertiliser Quarterly

A premium granular lawn food designed to give you a strong, green and healthy lawn. Features both fast-acting and gradually released Nitrogen, to feed for up to 12 weeks.

Yates Lawn Fertiliser Quarterly - Hose On

This innovative, fully-featured hose-on fertiliser delivers thicker, greener and healthier lawns, powered by 5 potent ingredients to feed your lawn gradually, for up to 12 weeks.

Yates Lawn Fertiliser for New Lawns

Gives your new lawn the right start to encourage fast establishment of new grass, while feeding for up to 12 weeks. Contains the ideal blend of slow-release nutrients to gently kickstart your lawn.

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