Fine Fescue Thumb

Fine Fescues are unique among lawn grasses. They have the finest leaves, the most shade tolerance and the best cold-weather performance of all cool season varieties.

About Fine Fescue Varieties

'Fine fescue' is a description that covers several grass species with similar features. These species include creeping red fescue, Chewings fescue, hard fescue and sheep fescue, which all have different growth habits.

Fine fescue prefers full sunlight, but has the best shade tolerance of any cool season species. Lawn seed blends for shady areas usually contain high percentages of creeping red fescue and Chewings fescue, because of their characteristic resilience in shade.

Creeping red fescue is a fine textured, needle-like grass that spreads outwards via underground rhizomes. Chewings fescue also grows into a fine-bladed turf, but has a more upright, clumping habit and doesn't have rhizomes, instead it spreads slowly by 'tillering' new leaves out from the base of the plant. When blended, this combination forms a dense, deep green, fine lawn.

Fescue species aren't well suited to heat or drought conditions, but to make up for it they're exceptionally tolerant of cold climates. Fescue also isn't ideal for for pets and kids play-zones, unless it's blended with perennial ryegrass to fortify it. 

Fescue seed reliably germinates within 7-14 days, although seedlings are slower-growing than ryegrass. In fact, fine fescues partner really well with ryegrass, which helps protect the slower fescue seedlings by filling in and suppressing weeds while the slower fescue is getting established. 

Fescues need lenient mowing to look their best (their best is very good indeed).

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