Breathe life into your indoor areas with a happy plant (Dracaena sp.). It’s literally happy anywhere – in a dark corner, in a well-lit spot or even outdoors in a protected area. There are many different types of dracaenas that you can grow, too, but the most common are the happy plant, Dracaena marginate & Dracaena marginata “Tricolor”. Use it to brighten your indoors, today!

How to grow dracaena in a pot

  1. Choose a pot at least 200mm wide (or larger, depending on your plant size) and position in well lit but away from direct sunlight, like near a windowsill. 
  2. Fill the pot with Yates Thrive Indoor Plants Potting Mix.
  3. Remove the plant from the container, gently tease the roots and cut away any circled or tangled roots.
  4. Position in pot and backfill with the potting mix, gently firming down. Water in well keeping the water away from the leaves. 
  5. After the initial watering, allow the potting mix to almost completely dry out before watering again. To test, insert your index finger to the first knuckle, if it’s dry, water and if it’s still moist, don’t water. 
  6. Feed fortnightly during the growing season with Yates Thrive Indoor Liquid Plant Food to help promote strong root development and healthy foliage growth.


Growing tips

  • Remove dry and dead leaves by pulling them off at the base. 

  • Dracaena prefer humid conditions, so misting them every few days will help keep it looking fresh, especially during hot dry days. 

  • Very little sunlight or lack of nutrients will cause yellowing of leaves.

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