Monilinia fructicola (Stonefruit, Cherry, Blueberry)

Phytophthora spp. (Citrus)

What is Brown Rot?

Brown Rot of Stonefruit, Cherry & Blueberry

Brown rot is a destructive disease of stone fruits. The fungus overwinters in mummified fruit which has either fallen to the ground or is still attached to the tree. Cankers on stems and spurs are another source of disease spores. At blossom time the fruiting bodies of the fungus develops toadstool-like structures which shed millions of spores. These spores will shed at the slightest disturbance.

Brown Rot of Citrus

Brown Rot of citrus is causes by various Phytophthora species, a soil-inhabiting fungus-like (oomycetes) disease. The disease is much more prevalent during extended periods of wet weather.


Fruit develops circular areas of brown rot, that widen and spread over the fruit as it approaches maturity. Brown Rot has a distinctive smell.

Severely affected stonefruit can develop a greyish fuzz of spores.

Stonefruit trees may sometimes exude gum from cankers that form on branches.

Affected citrus fruit may drop from the tree early.


For stonefruit, apply Yates Nature's Way Fungus Spray after petal fall, at 10-14 day intervals until harvest. Collect and destroy any fruit affected with Brown Rot.

For citrus, apply Yates Copper Oxychloride Fungicide Wettable Powder at first petal fall and at 3-4 weekly intervals until harvest time. 

For citrus, pruning out the lower branches of the tree helps to improve air circulation and alleviate the disease.

Plants impacted

  • Peaches
  • Nectarines
  • Citrus
  • Cherry
  • Blueberry

Recommended products

Yates Nature's Way Fungus Spray

Protects against a very wide range of fungal and bacterial diseases. It is formulated from copper and sulfur, which are naturally occurring compounds.

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