Hemiptera / Psyllidae

What are Psyllids?  

Psyllids are tiny sap-sucking insects which attack plants such as lillypillies. Psyllids resemble miniature cicadas and can only be seen through a microscope or hand lens.

Both juvenile (nymphal) and adult stages do the damage by sucking sap from the leaves. Some Psyllids build a protective covering made from wax and honeydew.

How to protect your plants against Psyllids

  • These pests take advantage of weak and stressed plants.
  • Help your plants to stay healthy by keeping the soil moist and feeding them regularly with Yates Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Food
  • Psyllid resistant varieties of lilly pillies are also available.



New growth may have dimpling or pock marks on leaves. Leaves can be distorted and terminal shoots dieback. Leaf defoliation of some types of Psyllid attack may occur. Sooty mould grows on the crystal like honeydew that the Psyllids produce. Leaves may be discoloured.


Plants impacted

  • Lilly Pilly
  • Brush Cherry
  • Wattles
  • Albizzia
  • Eucalypts

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