Oxalis spp.

What is Oxalis

Horned oxalis (Oxalis corniculata) has tiny clover to heart shaped leaves that form roots wherever the stems touch the ground. Horned oxalis is a common weed of lawns and because the stems creep under lawn runners of buffalo, kikuyu and couch, it's quite hard to eradicate. Seeds are spread by movement of soil and water and lawn mowers.

Creeping Oxalis (Oxalis exilis) is a NZ native that has similar but smaller leaves and a mat-forming habit. It's widespread through NZ as a lawn and pasture pest.

Pink oxalis (Oxalis corymbosa) has large dark green heart shaped leaves and grows in clumps out of a small brown bulb. This plant begins its active growth in spring and mature plants have dozens of bulblets attached to the parent bulb.

Soursob (Oxalis pes-caprae) has clover-like leaves on unbranched stems and bright yellow flowers.


How to protect your plants

Heavy mulching will help to eliminate oxalis from garden beds.


Plants impacted

  • Lawns
  • Turf
  • Garden Beds

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