A sprinkle of happiness


Date:23 Sep 2021

Blog Type:Flowers

Today has been a day dedicated for flowers. I have sown some flower seeds in punnets, making sure to read the packets properly, after previously assuming all seeds need covered! 

Flower seeds I find so fansinating as there are many different shapes, sizes as well as colours.

I also sprinkled some wildflowers in the flower bed by our driveway, I had wildflowers in there one other year and loved the look of it. I ended up mixing Yates - Carpet of pink, and Carpet of blue. I had some left over so I sprinkled the rest in between my berry bushes.

I had an open packet of butterfly insect mix that I put at one entrance of the new tunnel house, where we've pulled out a garden bed. We haven't sown any grass to replace it yet, but I think the flowers will look way more beautiful than grass, plus it will attract beneficials. 

Some wild flower seeds also got sprinkled around the shed at my driveway, I hope they come up, they will look so beautiful for people stopping by.

I also managed to get out and weed under my fruit trees, a job I keep forgetting to do!

So all in all a very productive day in the garden on a beautiful day!

A sprinkle of happiness