This season has raced by. Summer starts on Wednesday – if you go by the calendar, and everything seems to become all about Christmas as ‘normal’ life takes a backseat to the chaos of the festive season.
It feels like just yesterday it was cold, and I was willing seeds to turn into seedlings and worried that I would never get all the beds ready in time… Well, the garden did get ready in time, but there are a couple of seeds I am still trying to coax into life (fresh seeds – not the same ones from the early days). I will have to give up at some point, but we’re not there yet.
I do enjoy the slowing down of November. The garden is at its most orderly and I don’t need to worry too much about attending to the garden every single day. But I think from now on I need to be on daily zucchini and gherkin watch. Those can get too big in the blink of an eye! Not to mention the need to keep the garden watered becomes more intense from now on. I will reluctantly say a fond farewell to November. It is a gentle garden month.
The upside of it all, is from now on the harvest really starts to come in and thanks to all your wonderful contributions to Mini Challenge Four I have plenty of great recipes to try. I would just like to let you know at this point, it is a hard choice, and the team are still making their deliberations. It shouldn’t be too much longer for an announcement, and I’ll be the first to let you know as soon as I know.
This mini challenge is a little bittersweet, there are no more mini challenges left for this year and it signals the Vegie Growing Challenge is almost at its end. The last day is FRIDAY THE 10TH DECEMBER. Hopefully – just maybe, time will slow down just a little so we can linger in this lovely community and soak in all wonderfulness that comes with it. I look forward to your upcoming posts.
Happy gardening and as always – if you want to get in touch leave a comment below.
Sarah the Gardener : o)
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