I got some more trays and potting mix today, as after my potting on yesterday I had almost used a whole 35L bag! Why I only bought the one bag is beyond me, I always need a lot more than I think.
Was good to finish the job of potting on the rest of the tomatoes after we rushed out and got the supply's.
I thought I had been really good at keeping up with labelling, but one tray is going to be a surprise what variety they are. I had either forgotten or the kids have pulled the labels out. Never mind, at least I know they are tomatoes!
When I repotted I took the two bottom leaves off, burying the stems right up/or almost up to the next set of leaves. They will grow more roots off the stem therefore I will have a stronger plant.
I may need to pot up another size yet before planting them out, depending on how their growth goes, as it will be a while yet before I plant them out.
I also have moved the capsicums I bought as seedlings up pot sizes and staked those. They will need to go up at least another couple of sizes too, as I plan to grow them in pots.
While I was out there, I remembered I hadn't sown my Giant pumpkin seeds for the challenge within a challenge. So 3 seeds got popped in too!
My next thoughts are going to be for what I'm going to use for the climbing plants. Hubby said he has an idea for the runner beans, so I'll leave that in his capable hands. (Which I have sown far too early I might add, they are huge already).
So I just need to sort what I'll grow my cucumbers up, and I potentially will need more pea structures. But everything is coming together quite nicely, and I have a wee bit of a lull in the vege garden before the madness of planting out begins!
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