For those that haven't seen my experiment blog, I decided that my soil needed a microbiology boost so I ordered some mycorrcin to test out on my seedlings to see if it made any difference to their growing habits. I decided to give corn the luxury of being the guine pig as I haven't had much success growing corn. As you can see by the picture of the corn with roots exposed, the one on the left was given a soak in the mycorrcin once they started to pop through, the one on the right was given sea weed feed. The roots on the right hand one are much longer and there are more root systems coming from the plant. I have actually stuck to the plan I designed for the corn bed (that's a first), measured and planted. The ones at the back are the mycorrcin ones, and the ones at the front are the ones that were not. I have given them all a good soaking in more mycorrcin and watered them in with some too. I can't wait to see if the head start on the ones at the back make any difference and if I can actually get some nice tall corn plants (last year they got half way and gave up). I think I'll try this experiment again on another type of vegetable, possibly the beans that I plan on seeding to go around the corn. I wonder what affect it would have if I watered in some potatoes with it...
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