It’s a bit of a grey day, and doesn’t look like much… but there is lots going on here… and it’s Canterbury anniversary weekend… which means…. TOMATO TIME!!!
At the back of this planter box is a jungle of carrots (some I missed and they are going to seed and some super yummy!), coriander, beetroot and the most exciting first year asparagus.
In the front… I’ve done more than just plant plastic - there are tomatoes under the fizzy drink mini-green houses and next to them I have buried milk bottles :)
Has anyone used or currently use Ollas?
I love the idea of them, they make so much sense, but to get clay ones I would be looking at quite a significant outlay, so I decided to give it a go with milk bottles.
Here in Canterbury we get a super drying northwest wind in summer, so I have drilled some holes (possibly a few too many, but we’ll see) in the milk bottles and ‘planted’ them at the same time as the tomatoes - with the idea being I open the lid and fill up the bottle with water so it always gets a deep water - and I can add any liquid fertiliser directly to it.
I’m always up for an experiment, so I’m looking forward to seeing how it goes!
Has anyone else done this or tried something similar?
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