Hello again! I know I haven't posted in a while.
I cannot believe that the challenge has nearly come to a close for yet another year.
This season, despite sowing 54 tomatoes seeds, NONE survived! My family and I went out for the day, and when we came back I saw that they had completely withered and were not to be revived (I probably should have soaked them in seaweed tonic).
Although my tomatoes didn't work out well, I have had my best pea harvest ever and my beetroot is doing pretty good.
My mum and I canned some of our beetroot last week. We only got 2 pints last week and 4 pints yesterday, but we will be sowing another lot of beetroot, now that we have the space.
Other than that, I have not been doing a lot in my garden lately because we recently bought 2 Golden Retriever puppies, and I am responsible for training the boy!
Happy gardening (and harvesting)!
P.S I don't know who's end it is, but I cannot upload a photo ( the 'choose file' button isn't working).
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