Well here in Auckland on Friday night the weather was rather wild overnight for us. We had thunder, lightning and strong winds that felled branches onto the vege garden and toppled over a few potted plants. Thankfully the damage wasn't too bad and my avocado trees survived the hail earlier in the week.
On Sunday I managed to get out into my greenhouse and sowed a variety of vegetables and flowers. I was chuffed that I could used seed saved from last year (sunflower, zinnia, calendula, marigold & pansy) and that I didn't spend up too large on new seed for this year.
As always I had my support team with me for company who also kept guard in the sun as my troublesome blackbird from last year has started coming inside my greenhouse again to dig up my pots of tomatoes which I over-wintered. It's all a big game to the dogs who love chasing them out and barking and chasing each other around the yard!
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