Gosh – its super exciting. Spring is so close you can not only feel it in the air but can start to see it popping up all over the place. I am finding I am spending more and more time in the garden trying my hardest to get it ‘spring ready’. And everywhere I look is something amazing bursting into life which is so refreshing after months of only seeing the same things in my dormant winter garden.
At the end of each day, I come inside, a little dirty, rather exhausted and with a load of photos on my phone that I couldn’t help taking. I send most of the images to my mum to show her all the changes, and I put some on my social media, but am conscious not to overload things as it would seem not everyone likes gardening… strange but true.
However, I am so grateful for the Yates Spring Vegie Growing Challenge that lets you share all your gardening antics, images, and ideas, with gardeners who ‘get’ you. Seeing what everyone else is up to in their gardens and being a part of a supportive community is what gets me through my springs. I’d be lost without it. And the best thing is there are some pretty cool prizes up for grabs throughout the season for the keen gardeners who join the journey.
If you would like to be a part of this fabulous community sign in or sign up HERE and tell us all about your garden, add a photo and submit your post. Come back with updates from your garden every day, every week or whenever it suits you – although we do discourage posting more than once a day in less something really exciting happens.
But also have a look around, see what other gardeners are up to, you may find inspiration from someone with a similar garden, a similar style, a garden in your local area, or someone dealing with similar problems. Or the inspiration may come from someone with a completely opposite garden to yours, with a different style at the other end of the country with a different set of challenges to you.
I’m sure it will be another exciting year here in the community and I look forward to reading each and every post. If you have any questions or problems or even suggestions pop back to my most recent blog post and drop a line in the comments below.
Sarah the Gardener : o)
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