Well we won't talk about the weather too much! Saturday was good, but windy (but hey it's Wellington) and today, I went outside and after 40 minutes was back inside! Once it's Labour weekend the weather will just fix itself and all will be perfect and warm....I"m sure!
I repotted more plants that have outgrown their space - especially Sunflowers🌻...... Look at the roots of these babies (These are called Orange Hobbit!), after just 3 Weeks! Ideally I'd plant these out, but snails and weather, mean it's not an option, plus they like Sun and Wellie is struggling there a little! Plenty of time. Patience Heather, patience! 😀
I've also tried sowing direct for sunflowers but nothing sprouting yet - but it's definitely not warm enough for them to sprout yet!
Otherwise I did some weeding, and some feeding around the gardens.
Win: I noticed a lot of self-seed wild flowers sprouting, obviously from last year, which is exciting!! I tried really hard not to pull everything in some gardens, sure that some were flowers, and I was right!!
I'm looking forward to Labour weekend - for lots of reasons!
1) My upcylced window glasshouse gets assembled! Picked the blue paint, bought some cute solar lighting, bought it's door for $20 this weekend....so happy, excited and nervous! I hope it assembles like it does in my head!
2) With a glasshouse assembled I get to plant Tomatoes, Chilli's and Peppers in it
3) I get to plant so many plants that are sooooo ready for their new home
4) Family time, long weekend, sunshine and the promise of summer approaching
What do you love about long weekends? Labour Weekend?
How was your weekend in the garden?
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