Labour weekend was everything I hoped it would be with beautiful fine weather Saturday and Sunday - perfect for getting outside and enjoying some labour in the garden.
The overnight lows were still cool 6 - 8 degrees so I put off planting out my tomato and bean seedlings until today when the overnight low is supposed to be 11.
But I got lots of ground prep done digging in compost, spreading general garden fertiliser, and planting some lettuces, sunflowers and tidied and trimmed the flower garden over the two days. We're also still painting the fence. SH has borrowed a paint sprayer from a friend and it is making the job seem a lot less daunting although it was still fiddly around the espaliers... I'll show you the results in the next couple of days. After I finished my garden chores, I followed on behind him with a brush to paint the fence capping.
The photo is of our vege garden. In the foreground are our potatoes which survived the frost last week thanks to being tucked up tight under a tarpaulin. You can see where I've planted my Kentucky Pole and purple beans against the arch and also the trellis at the back of the garden - I have put bamboo stakes in front of them to try to deter the birds. Peas are inside the bamboo fence and you can just see my little row of radishes in front of them. Behind that my sweet peas are on the other arch and then the broad beans.
In the first garden you can't see is my pumpkin, two beef steak tomatoes and Pukekohe Longkeeper onions that are just starting to fatten up. There are more onions in the middle garden along with lettuces that are ready to harvest. In the far garden there are two zucchini, silverbeet and rhubarb.
I have the next four days off work so tomorrow I'm hoping to get my capsicums, chillies and cucumbers out there - all depends on the weather of course.
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