Artisan blush is starting to get big now. It has reached the top of the fence. Normally this is where the battle starts, making it branch to where it can grow, but with the bew frames it has a lot more space. Can't wait for the first ripe tomato. I think money maker is still the one in the lead!
Purple beans have their fiat flush of flowers, so not long now till we can have fresh beans for dinner, or in a bean salad! At 6.99 a hand full from countdown, this is a golden crop😂
As always there is some risk in growing sprouting shop bought potatoes, and the vivaldi has not been very happy since I moved it. I changed it again to where I thought it would be happier, but no. I can't see any sign of bugs or anything nasty, but to be safe the other potato baskets will get a some neem or copper spray. These will go in the bin and will compost the soil if it looks OK. As everything is packed tight I can't afford an issue as it can spread quickly.
Seed potatoes are $2 at warehouse and while they won't be ready for Christmas, there is still plenty of time. Hopefully there may be a few small ones for dinner 😊.
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