Motivated by Connor's sudden desire to cook and have basil in his own garden, and since our seeds haven't come up yet, I nipped off to the shops this morning to quickly grab a punnet. I may have also walked away with a few other bits and pieces.
After staring aimlessly at a blue planter base for the last few weeks, I also grabbed a planter and used it to create a bird bath once I got home. I am certain over the next few weeks it will get adorned with other decorative features. It is a starting point though.
Today I thought I would actually treat myself to a few additional plants to bulk out the BBQ area. Mostly, my flowers come from cuttings, seeds I've grown myself, or the odd punnet of flowers. I've added a pink lily to go with my white Christmas lily I already had, a dainty pink daisy, and a dainty yellow daisy. The daisies are mainly to fill the gap where the work was done to remove the fence post. A justified need I think.
Pottering around in between showers, I planted 7 dahlia seedlings to replace the few that hadn't come up. Those beds are now complete. I also noticed that some flower buds are starting to form. More lettuce seedlings have gone in. This time to fill the gaps in my herb planter boxes. These boxes get a bit of afternoon shade. I am hoping that this will stop them from bolting and extend our lettuce-growing season. I also sowed a few more rows of carrots, and planted the leftover basil in between my beans and lettuce. I have usually reserved my basil for around my tomatoes, but apparently, they grow well together. The beans fix the nitrogen levels, and the basil helps to increase the yield and repel the bugs.
Connor put his signs in the garden that he decorated with bugs that we unearthed during some spring cleaning; planted his basil and some more marigolds; and also sowed some more carrots in his gardens. I also purchased him some sheep pellets to add to his garden. With all the showers on and off today, I am reluctant to use the liquid feed. Both of our gardens got a good side dressing which.
And as it was my birthday yesterday, I picked myself a bunch of flowers. Like the last 18 years, my roses haven't disappointed
NB - I have also included an updated photo of one of the red pineapple flowers. We now have four of them.
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