There hasn't been a lot in our garden to attract the bees over the past few months.
A couple of self sown borage have braved the cold and produced the odd flower or two. I've got some stocks in our flower border that attract a few bees with their delicious scent and a few of my chives have purple heads that have enticed a few to visit.
But in the past two weeks that situation has changed. I've got lavender starting to flower, they love those. Our ornamental weeping cherries are in blossom and they host a constant hum of hardworking pollen gatherers.
But the rock concert, the Woodstock of the worker bees right now is definitely our Broad Beans. Bees are coming from far and wide to feast on the flowers of vicia faba, and they are having a ball!
I love that they are doing their thing in our garden and like so many gardeners here, I'll do my best to keep them coming.
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