Finally daylight savings has arrived! Not only does this mean that summer is that little bit closer, but I always look forward to being able to get out into the garden after dinner to get a few small jobs done. With the juggle of working full time, after school activities, and weekend sport we're not quite where we'd like to be with our gardens - yet.
Luke (Mr 7) has just finished his first season of soccer and basketball has also finished up for the term. As much as we love sport, the slower pace over the next few weeks will also be appreciated. It will give us the extra time we need to finish prepping the gardens for the new season.
Last weekend, we picked up a trailer load of compost so that's now ready to top up our raised vegetable gardens. A lot of our seedlings - tomatoes, cucumber, courgettes etc are all ready to be pricked out and repotted up. I always wait until they get their true leaves (second set of leaves).
This morning, I went down to Mitre 10 as soon as they opened to collect some supplies for this little job. I figured I'd get in early before every man and his dog decided the long weekend was perfect for finishing off that latest DIY project. I also picked up some microgreen seeds for Luke.
The dwarf peach and nectarine trees are now starting to blossom. Due to having a small section we grow as many dwarf trees as we can. We now have a variety of citrus, peaches, nectarine, and apple trees. Most of these trees are about to come into their third summer. The nectarine blossoming here has only been in since last year though.
All of the brassicas are still in and have grown so much over the past couple of weeks since they were given a feed of fish and seaweed. I think the sky high prices in the supermarkets are saving them this year. I don't buy these vegetables from the supermarket, but I did have a quick look at Countdown Online out of interest. It was $8.49 for a whole cauliflower, $4.99 for a small head of broccoli, and $6.99 for a whole cabbage!
After seeing that a simple Iceberg lettuce is $5.49, I'm happy that our salad patch is full too. I've just recently planted another couple of punnets of lettuce seedlings. An area I'm trying to work on in our gardens is succession planting. It hasn't always been a strength of mine, but we're making progress this year.
Here's to some quiet evenings in the garden this week.
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