I've never had the best of luck with growing carrots, but I think we're slowly getting the growing conditions right. The majority of the carrots that we pulled out over the weekend were both a decent size and straight! 😊
This afternoon, I also picked a cabbage, lots more broccolini, cauliflower, lettuce, spinach, and spring onions. We're slowly getting through the last of the winter vegetables.
We've also finished the plans for our summer gardens, repotted up some more tomatoes, and gifted a few of the hardened off extras to family. There's also a small flexi tub of garden scraps ready to be dropped off to the school chickens tomorrow morning.
Tonight, nachos were requested by Luke so I bulked up our nacho mix with some carrot, spinach, and spring onions all from the garden. The goal for next week is to get our frames and stakes up in the garden. I'm also hoping to get the bulk of our seedlings in. They've all been hardened off slowly over the past fortnight.
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