Have had to clear away lots of things in the last week with the storm - so now up to HERE! (Hopefully this area will be looking great by the end of the weekend )
I will keep this short as it keeps logging me out and I have to start over lol.
SO - in this wee strip this morning I have put in the following edibles...
2 tomatoes (1 golden cherry -grown from seed and my 'random surprise'one that came in a punnet with beefsteak but looks nothing like the others (HOPING it is a Brandywine!)
2 baby strawberry plants
1 of my Cayenne Peppers that I grew from seed and overwintered in the studio ( will use the fruit in my BunCha dipping sauce and as decorations on the christmas tree) The others will go into the bottom garden amongst the leeks where they will get full sun
COMPANON PLANTS that have gone in also
3 white alyssum (for beneficial insects and to lighten up that area which is shaded by the peach tree from about 1pm
1 wee clump of basil - seed sown in September
2 clumps of (hopefully) pink Cosmos -seed sown in September - Desparately needing planting as roots all poking out of the bottom of the pottle) - cosmos is a good bee attractor for things like pumpkins (have them at ground level in this space, tomatoes and chilli - in fact aparently great for anywhere in the vege garden
1 sweet lawn daisy I saved from the mower a few weeks ago- weeds and grass removed so just the daisy was popped in behind the chilli as had a wee gap there
ALSO growing in this space are crown pumpkins,parsley, thyme and 1 remaining sweetcorn seedling that was the only thing surviving from the watermelon/sweetcorn bed after a big dog dug them all up one stormy night (I do the Amish trick of burying a chunk of fish underneath each sweetcorn when planted -thankfully buried it DEEP otherwise would have woken up to a disgusting mess to clean up - scared off the dog thinking it was a prowler - must have been mid digging it all out.
OH - PEACH TREE SEEDLINGS - quite a few of these had sprung up in this patch so have set them aside as bare rooted saplings to be rehomed if I can find some takers.
Off soon to the beach to see if I can find some oyster shells to deter random cats from jumping onto the garden from the fence above and a few saffron coloured rocks- the white of the oyster shells will also reflect light to the underside of the plants and deflect the hot sun from the roots which will help. I was going to use my toheroa shells but I think the rough oysters will be better to deter the agile felines. Have set them up a 'launching pad' in a different area as dont want them breaking the edibles
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