Dear me, what a weather we’ve had here this last weekend! I was hoping to prepare some of my beds but going outside was not an option. It’s been super windy and even the chooks we have at the back have stayed inside their abode for the whole weekend.
So I took my seedling mix into the kitchen and made a merry mess (finally) planting tomatoes, leeks, celery, celeriac and top ups of cabbage and cauliflower. I’m starting to make peace with the fact that its not subtropics here in Dunedin, so this year I’m planting less of pumpkins, which always slightly disappoint, and more of brassicas. Highlights will be the purple mini cabbages and violet cauliflowers. I am a sucker for purple vegetables.
My tomato plans have also changed as I’ve learnt my lessons over the last 2 seasons. I’m pausing on growing lots of indeterminate varieties and focusing more on short-season determinate and semi-determinate types, at least until I have a green house. The variety I’m particularly excited is Sub Arctic Plenty, which was apparently developed in Greenland by the US military base.
Oh, forgot the most exciting thing – I finally got a seedling heat mat!
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