After a couple of hours work for a friend this morning I have given myself a rest day .
but I just wanted to share a couple of seedlings that have popped up , stralitzia is something that I just have not managed to germinate so when I discovered these babies I actually did a happy dance , I am patiently waiting for them all to have there second set of leaves before I transfer them to pots to plant out later .
Hellerbours are another one , these ones in the garden were biffed out of a seed tray I gave up on around this time last year , then a friend gave me a selection of seed from her gorgeous collection and said put them in a tray and forget about them , so I did exactly that and now have 3 trays worth , they have taken a good 8 months to get to being actual wee plants that are ready for transplanting as soon as I get more potting mixes , I'm thinking a trailer load maybe the way to go.
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