With this polar blast that came through it's easy to get frustrated and worried about your garden and plants and curse the weather when it's meant to be spring!
We had snow and hail on and off all day yesterday, with a very bitter wind that cut right through you. I had made the right decision to bring the tender seedlings in for sure! We woke up to a skiff of snow, no way near as much as Ev got in Dunedin, and other parts of the South, as we are almost at sea level here.
I was more worried about the hail than I was about the snow, after having a look around today there isn't too much damage thank goodness, but a few brassica seedlings might be goners. So all in all we're okay!
While I was on my wander around I noticed one of my peonies are starting to bud up! Defintely a bonus of living here, as they need a few winter frosts to flower. Can't wait until they are in full bloom, as they are stunning!
By the weekend the weather is meant to be back up to 16C here, after not quite hitting 6C yesterday! I hope all your gardens and plant babies fared the weather okay :)
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