This is the western end of our vegetable garden. The 4th and 5th of our garden beds along our northern facing fence.
It's a busy space right now. From the left you can see the other side of my sweet pea arch. These are all white sweet peas - I do love coloured ones - but these have the most intense scent of any sweet pea I have ever grown and I am loving cutting them and bringing them inside to fill the house with their fragrance
Back behind them is our block of broad beans, they've been beaten and battered by the wind of the past few days but are still producing like crazy.
After a very inspiring blog by Jungle Jane a few days ago I am now being a bit more inventive with them. I tried her bacon, mushroom and broad bean recipe and it was so yum. Tonight we had them in a noodle stir fry... also delicious. Best tip is definitely (after podding) to take the outer skin off before using - they are as tasty as a new pea and add a lovely crisp bright green burst to your dish.
So just in front of the beans is a block of beetroot, some carrots and lettuces. On the right again is our strawberry patch which is yielding around a dozen berries each day. We're not able to eat that many so there's once again lots going into the freezer destined for SH's fruit lunches or maybe jam.
The fifth bed is the most shaded. It gets very little sun in the winter but is just starting to get more now that summer is nearly here. At the back are my yams (segregated from everything else by a deep metal plate). In front of those on the left a short row of dwarf beans, then some lebanese cucumbers still sheltering in bottomless pots, two zucchini in front and then on the far right silver beet and rhubarb.
Behind them all in the corner amongst the herbs and flowers is our espaliered apple Belle De Boskoop. And in the pots on the fence are some begonia bulbs that will brighten the corner up when they start to bloom.
And so ends the tour of our humble vegie patch.
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