I have to say I am pleased for the change of seasons as it has been quite hot in my garden. It still continues to be hot, and only this afternoon my thermometer was reading 30C, but the mornings are nice and cool so I can get things done without frying to a crisp before the midday heat.
The garden is still extremely thirsty, and we have had to get more water in to keep the tanks full, but I couldn’t possibly let the garden dry out after so long keeping it alive. The storms the other week were a bit brutal but thanks to the wind breaks we have in the garden; the damage was limited.
Now we are in autumn I look forward to a continued harvest from the garden, although my tomatoes don’t look like they have too long left in them. I’m just pleased to have them survive this far so any extra tomatoes are more than welcome.
The long awaited harvest of the watermelons and pumpkins are coming to fruition. I’m always nervous to harvest the melons as it is disappointing to go too soon or too late, but I seem to have managed it just right and have a wonderful harvest of enormous fruit to work our way through.
As for the pumpkins – I think my giant pumpkin is done – all the leaves around it have completely dried up and crumbled away. So, for my contribution to our informal Giant Pumpkin challenge for bragging rights… is a whopping great: 8.6Kg. Although I’m not sure I should be too proud of it as I have a watermelon that weighs in at 10.4Kg!
Did you grow a giant pumpkin this season? Let us know how you got on.
And if you have any questions or need advice on gardening through the autumn season just comment below, I will do my best to check back often and reply to your comments.
Have a wonderful productive autumn.
Happy Gardening
Sarah the Gardener : o)
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