I think with a lack of a proper summer and months of averagely meh weather everything has become a bit same samey and the days slipped away unnoticed. Normally at this time of year you are acutely aware of the change of seasons, but I’m finding myself surprised to see we are in mid-April already.
My garden has long since put away its summer toys, although I have to say my self-seeded tomatoes will give us a harvest of sorts, although without that intense sun ripening going on, I doubt they will be as sweet and delish as they could have been – but I’ll take them!
I’m in the midst of cool season crops with brassicas of all varieties either planted out or ready to plant out. It seems strange to see some of the beds full again. I’ve planted out loads for the food bank so there is extra responsibility to make sure nothing happens to them before they get to the harvest stage.
I still have to sow my cover crops, but I need to stand back and make sure I have my crop rotation right. I ummed and erred for ages about the next bed for the garlic as I anticipated running into problems in the spring so I did a bit of a shuffle and now the garlic comes after the beans but before the cucumbers, which means the beans need to go back a bed next season instead of advancing forward. Crop rotation can be so tricky when you have plants starting and finishing at different times. Hopefully, this time I have it right.
But either way, as beds come empty I’m giving them a love with some Yates blood and bone and Dynamic Lifter and a layer of compost to replace the nutrients used during the growing season. I used to fork it all in, but these days I just put it all on the top and find it eventually works its way in. While I’m not officially no dig, I do appreciate the permission it gives you to put in a little less effort in some areas of the garden.
I love that you are all still here and sharing what is going on in your gardens. Normally at this time of year you are in my thoughts as I wonder how you are getting on, so it is nice to see what you have shared. If you have any problems or anything you need help with as always – if you want to get in touch leave a comment below. I’m still here, checking on things.
Sarah the Gardener : o)
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