The sun came out late this arvo for the first time in a while and my husband had just arrived home from work so I took the opportunity to sneak off to the garden for a moment to myself. As I walked around I noticed a few things I hadn't before, my first egg plant is growing, baby 'finger' cucumbers hidden under the courgette leaves, probably 20 little chillies all poking their heads through their flowers, more tomatoes than I can count! a rather large chillie I have somehow missed outside amongst my mini food forest, gerbras hidden under more courgette leaves, hydrangeas amongst their luscious bushes, and my dahlias have all opened up over the last day since I was last there and picked all the previous open flowers for my table. Blueberries for days on 5 different plants and my olive tree has finally flowered for the first time! This year has been my best year yet in the garden and I am so so excited for what the next few months brings.
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