A Dose Of Vitamins

Gardener:Northland Backyard Gardener

Date:11 Jun 2023

Blog Type:Vegetables

I will be the first to admit, the constant rain over the past 14 months has certainly taken its toll on us. While it is still cold, this weekend, however, we have been been blessed with sunshine. The ground is still a bit squishy in places, but it was dry enough for hubby to mow the lawns yesterday after sports. I also managed to trim the grapevine finally this morning, along with a feijoa that is looking a bit worse for wear. Weeds on the driveway and the moss in bbq area were also sprayed. These are tasks we have been unable to do for months on end. 


The brassicas are starting to take off both in the garden, and in our grow bags. We have new pea seedlings popping up in the garden, and peas forming on our bucket peas. Our broad beans are really taking off now and are about thigh height. We have new beetroot, radishes and turnips coming through, and our carrots are in abundance. So much so that I am now googling how to make roast carrot soup. A may also look at doing a roasted carrot hummus at the same time.


Our onion seedlings are ready to go out soon, and I have some celeraic seedlings in abundance that I need to do something with too.


Our tomatoes have been potted up a few weeks ago, and I am now already looking at what to put them in next. Our goal is to see if we can have it producing around Sept...3 months ahead of what we normally are. This is a tumbling cherry tomato. 



A Dose Of Vitamins