We got so much done in the garden today and every job was done in a race to beat the rain that was suppose to come. But we really only had a few showers that weren't wet enough to make us stop and come inside. The rain seems to have set in now though.
We got the strawberries covered with bird netting, as my first strawberries are on their way, wahoo!
We put up some building mesh I found in hubby's shed in the tunnel house for the gherkins to grow up. They're not quite ready to plant yet.
Miss 6 and I put up another trellis for the peas, and planted those while the boys mowed the lawns, plus I got hubby to do the long grass around the vege patch in the paddock.
The potatoes got mounded again, boy they are growing fast at the moment!
And lastly I thought I'd better put up the cover over the pumpkins etc I planted yesterday, as over night temps are going to be on the lower side from tomorrow night. I got these sets from Redpaths and I'm able to pull the sides up to let air/a bit of rain in, and of course for pollination, and I'll close up on those cold nights.
I have 5 plants at the end of the potato row, which I didn't initially know how I was going to protect them. I didn't want to cut the same plastic I used for the other row - thinking ahead of reusing it, and the plants are spaced out being giant pumpkins and zuchinni. So I done some digging around and found some off cuts of plastic from when we put our tunnel houses up (I knew I kept them for a reason!), and I made wee houses for each plant out of that and some other hoops I had. I have also made them so I can leave them open a bit for that important air circulation or close them up. I also don't want to make them weak after hardening them off so well!
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