An Encouraging Announcement

Gardener:Sarah the Gardener from Yates

Date:18 Sep 2023

Blog Type:Vegetables

Aside from the amazing prizes up for grabs at the end of this challenge, which will be awarded to the top three gardeners, there are other prizes...

There is a prize for a gardener starting out – which could be a completely new gardener, or someone who hasn’t garden in a long time and is a bit rusty, or someone with more passion than experience.  We appreciate a good gardener is always learning and most of that knowledge happens along the way!

A lovely member of our community who is super friendly, caring, helpful and encouraging to all of the gardeners will win the Best Supporter Prize.  This prize is in honour of Carol Jane who was one of the biggest Vegie Growing Challenge fans.  Carol and I were the only ones who had been in every single challenge since day one back in 2010.  She was probably the most prolific commenter we’ve ever had, and she was encouraging and supportive and quick to offer advice if you were unsure or if she saw you were heading for a disaster. Sadly, Carol passed away a few weeks before the 2020 Vegie Growing Challenge was due to start and is still greatly missed by those who remember her.

Then there is the Yates Wild Card Winner.  We understand that it takes a lot of commitment to be in this challenge, but not all of us have the time to post every day or write more than a line or two about their gardens.  So, this one recognises that anyone in the community is eligible to be considered for a prize.  It will be a gardener who stands out to the Team at Yates and could be a steady once a week poster, or an enthusiastic kid, or someone who overcame a challenge during the growing season and carried on anyway, or for any other reason where we see a keen gardener doing good things.

But the reason for this post is there is something else: 


There are a few of them randomly scattered throughout the challenge for gardeners who need encouragement along the way, have a success worth celebrating or anything that stands out to the Team at Yates as a worthy reason.

We had a look at all the posts from the first couple of weeks in this challenge and one gardener had a challenging situation and gardened on regardless, and we admire that spirit and determination.  So please join me in congratulation the first winner of the encouragement awards:  Staceydc for her Smashing Day.  

I understand personally it isn’t easy growing in a windy spot, but you’ve got this! Where there is a will there is a way.  There is a prize pack on its way to you.

There are still more Encouragement Awards to be had, so keep an eye out for the next one.  It could be you!

As always – if you want to get in touch leave a comment below.

Sarah the Gardener  : o)

An Encouraging Announcement