I'm wrapped the weather player nice , I got 2 knapsacks of weed spray on and I also treated the feijoas and other citrus with fungal spray and neem .
Then it was on to herbs , I'm creating a potager (more about that later )
I have a thyme plant that im not sure would have recovered from a hack back so instead I took cuttings, some in soil and some in water , herbs are super easy to propagate so I didn't bother using a rooting hormone, I also took some white sage and rosemary cuttings , and the Kumera slips and house plants I took the cuttings from earlier are doing really well .
I started on sorting the shade house and found some penny royal and chives that I moved to the potager , I decided the shade house is not being utilised as well as it should be and I have some ideas how to really make it the best it can be .
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