In sickness and in health...

Gardener:Jungle Jane

Date:13 Apr 2024

Blog Type:Flowers

No, before you ask Im not getting married ....  havnt been uploading  for a while as too unwell but the garden chugs on. 

Recent storms were helpful decision makers for me, the dahlias had gotten to lots of blooms on 6ft spires ( way over my head) and a little stressful as had started getting powdery mildew on the leaves  i KNEW I should probabilly chop them back but the blooms were so glorious I couldnt make the decision to do so. 

But earlier in the week ferocious winds and torrential rain pushed them over onto the grass verge so, well, decision was made for me. To be honest it was a relief. 

 Had some time of being able to be up this morning so picked myself a nice bunch of the remaining flowers before they were too trashed. 

Not sure if you can put leaves with powdery mildew in the compost bin. 


In sickness and in health...