Kids n quinces...


Date:23 Oct 2023

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

I planted out some broccoli seedlings, but even though it's labour weekend, I have left my tomatoes in the greenhouse. We're still getting some chilly nights so I'll wait a bit longer before planting them out.

I happened to go around behind the shed the other day and found the quince tree in flower! So much larger and more delicate-looking than the apple blossoms, it was like the tree was covered in little paper lanterns. We made quince paste with our quince last autumn, to have with cheese and crackers.

And the kids are super excited to see pods growing on the pea plants. Last time we grew peas they were the sugar snap type where you pick the flat pods and eat the whole thing, so I'm having to retrain them now to wait for 'fat pods'. Mr 2yr old especially will pick first and ask second! These ones are 'Greenfeast'.

Kids n quinces...