Well the onions were not a complete disaster and I've harvested the remainder this afternoon. They are currently hanging in our double carport where there is good breeze and no rain. We've found this quite success in the past.
My onions, as you know had some issues. You can still see it in the end results (some small bulbs as minimal leaves left and not great skins) but we did okay all things considered. He ones with minimal skins will be used in our preserves. We have approx a dozen good sized ones, two dozen mid sized ones and a dozen or so little ones. We've also probably eaten a couple of dozen good sized onions (red ones in our salads/larger yellow ones in our preserves). While they aren't as good as they should have been, I'm.glad we didn't give up. We've have more than enough for our preserving which is what prompted me to start growing in them in the first place. For that I'm grateful. I am, however, going to stick to my Pukekohe Long Keepers. My Reds...this were actually okay
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