sowing, sowing, and sowing

Gardener:Gardening with the Dillons

Date:15 Sep 2023

Blog Type:Vegetables

The beautiful weather has given some extra enthusiasm to get seeds sown, and fill the garden with gorgeous green lushness. 

The Tomatoes and Peppers etc. were planted a while ago and have been pricked out to bigger pots, so it was time to make a start on whatever else will grow this spring/summer....  Including the every failing CORN  🌽...I don't know what it is about corn but I'm thinking I'm just in the wrong part of the country to get any real success with it.... BUT I had the seeds so they're sown and we'll try again - I didn't buy any more seeds this season - so I'm purely using them up because they're there... 

Other things planted - Luffa🥒 - never tried to grow this at all, but its intriguing, so I thought why not... Where I'm going to fit her, I'm not sure hahaha ...but watch this space as to whether my green fingers extend to growing Luffa's - If you have any growing advice on this...please share! 🙏

Zucchini 🥒are planted too - a few varieties Yellow, Gold, Zephyr (my favourite)... so watch out for the glutton and marrow pics/blog in a few months ... 

Cucumbers - Tasty Queen, and Pickles 🥒...  I enjoy making pickled gherkins especially so hoping for a good crop... I'll definitely be sowing more for succession planting of these ... the Tasty Queen was my most successful cucumber last year, so fingers crossed the success continues... 

The remaining pots in this pic are pumpkin🎃 (a bit hit and miss in my garden but we'll see...  Peas 🫛...similar to my beans, I'm trying them in pots to it gets warmer I usually sow straight in the garden ...  and there's some spinach 🥬and silverbeet - my random sowing because I spotted the seeds and thought why not....

I guess what this blog shows is that I'm randomly organised in the garden... some form of a plan, loosely based on what sort of worked last season, and a dash of experimenting with the rest....

Happy Saturday!! Hope you all get some great soul filling time in the garden... 

sowing, sowing, and sowing