Happy New Year fellow gardeners. I'm still alive and so is the garden. I had a three week break from work and the focus was on family time so I took a break from the blog. We had a great time and some brilliant beach visits. Felt like we spent more time at the beach than in the garden.
I'll try to catch up on everyones blogs over the coming weeks. Looks like there have been some great harvests.
Our garden is going strong and so are the whiteflies. Apart from the white flies we have had few pests. Starting to see a lot of beneficial wasps and NZ Praying Mantis which is cool. Praying Mantis used to freak me out but now that I know more about them, I love them. I've been able to pass the love on to my daughter rather than the fear which is cool.
We have had some failures. The capsicum in the garden have not done well. The greenhouse ones from last year are good though. Onions and garlic were a total failure. Eggplant is still to be decided.
The big wins have been the pumpkin, watermelon and passionfruit. I have a giant pumpkin that looks to be the biggest one I've grown yet. Our crown pumkin has at least 8 massive pumkins on the one vine and still going strong.
We have at least 10 watermelon forming and looking good on our country watermelon. The moon and stars watermelon seems to be later growing and yet to fruit.
The passionfruit are now starting to ripen and I can't count how many we have.
The best thing is that so far there is no sign of late blight on our tomatoes and I've already had enough to make our first batch of tomato relish.
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