It’s more than just ‘dirt’ – it’s the foundation of life in your garden, so it’s important to look after it. But, not all soils are created equal! If you want your plants to flourish, then you need to nourish it by adding organic matter. This is an essential ingredient in creating a nutrient-rich, healthy soil. The best way to do it? Yates Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Food.

The best soil needs a helping hand

Yates Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Food improves soil health by increasing water and nutrient retention while encouraging earthworms and micro-organisms. It provides complete plant nutrition with organic slow release nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for better root growth, stronger plants and more flowers and fruit. Nothing lifts gardens like Yates Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Food - every garden needs a bag! Ensure you incorporate it well into your soil by turning it over with a garden fork. 

Improve clay soils

If your soil is made up of heavy clay, then it’s really important that you improve it before planting. This can take time, anywhere from 4-6 weeks or longer, depending on the condition of your soil. 

To do this, dig in Yates Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Food, gypsum and compost and fork in well. Cover with a layer of organic mulch, like woodchip or pea straw and water thoroughly. Continue to water over the next couple of weeks to help all the organic matter break down. Check on your soil after everything has decomposed and decide whether this process needs to be repeated. 

Plant your beds

Once you get the soil right, the rest is, well, relatively easy. To plant, dig a hole twice as large as the pot. Add Yates Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Food, to the hole, mix with soil and plant out. Always mulch and water well. 

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