Hello Lovely Gardeners
I have to say you are all making me a bit jealous. Your gardens are all racing ahead and looking fabulous, and I still have a load that needs planting out. My efforts last week were thwarted by the rain, although I did try. I have now discovered – for your benefit (don’t make the mistakes I make) that gardening in heavy rain with a strong wind blowing through is not a good idea. It was uncomfortable, unpleasant, and hard going. Although to be fair planting in a gentle rain shower is actually good for the wee plants. I was a tad desperate. And I was a little cross at myself for not getting stuck in on the nicer days but sometimes computer gardening takes priority!
And then we went away to the lovely Queenstown for a long weekend to celebrate our wedding anniversary combined with my recent birthday. The boffins had said it was going to snow or at the very least be freezing cold rain, so I packed all my warm clothes only to find they were wrong, and we had the best weather. People were swimming in the lake! I had to go shopping for summer clothes! The first stop was exploring the gardens by the lake. It is always good to get out and see what else is going on beyond your own garden for inspiration. However, no matter how much I love Peonies, I will just have to enjoy them from afar as it is too warm for them in my garden.
So, I’m sorry I haven’t been visiting your gardens every day lately. To be honest, it felt like something was missing in my days not to see what you’ve all been up to. And now I’ve done my catch up, it is great inspiration to get stuck into mine again. The sun is currently shining down but the boffins are suggesting heavy rain again, so I’m hoping they have it wrong again or I’ll never get my cucumbers in.
Now there has been a couple of incidents of posts disappearing, which the IT team are looking into, however, it would be good to know how widespread the problem is so if you find one of your recent or old posts are no longer there, please let me know in the comments below. With a new website there is bound to be teething problems, so it would be good to get it sorted out sooner rather than later.
For most of you, (i.e. everyone except me) who have your gardens planted out, now is a bit of a down time, now that you are no longer juggling small plants in small pots and before the harvest really kicks in. But the garden still needs you so focus on watering, feeding, and weeding. And harvest the harvestable…. Peas will need picking daily so you keep getting more, and same with the strawberries. Plants are trying to set seed and by picking their fruit you are making them start all over again… and again and again.
And keep a close eye out for pests as they can be dealt with much easier when it is early days and haven’t spread across the garden. > HERE < is some advice on some of the pests you may encounter. I hope it helps.
Have another fabulous week in the garden.
Happy Gardening.
Sarah the Gardener : o)
Images: We were so spoilt with the Queenstown weather; Peonies are so exquisite; meanwhile the lettuce and the radish have gone crazy!
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