Hehe in all seriousness , He barely does housework but when putting up a new roof its important to sweep off the sworff , (fine metal shavings ) so it will not rust the roof .
My she shed is coming along nicely , yesterday we got more than half of the roof done , The iron sheets are meant to be cut back , but omg the beautiful shade its giving off has had ciscussions of leaving it , sadly it will need extra posts and timber that I just can't justify at the moment , but time will tell .
I finally got the artichokes and agria potatoes in and a friend of mine knowing my sadness of loosing the purple hearts to the neighbours peacock bought me over a pot , so I am stoked , I am to get them in today , along with some spinach , silverbeet , spring onions and cabbage , this will be the first planting in the new no dig beds .
I also plan on planting a wee interest area of shrubs , and to add a gorgous old gate as an interest point , Its no longer fit for purpose but I love the rustic feels .
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