Another busy morning in the garden I've had. I like to get all these jobs done in the morning while the kids are at school and kindy, then we can do fun stuff and spend time with them when they are home.
I've planted out some lettuce, brassicas, beets and more peas today, as well as potted on some seedlings that needed some more room to grow.
As I think I've mentioned before, I don't always do things by the book. I wanted to show you and explain how I transplant brassicas to there forever home.
I have always planted them closer together than is recommended. I'm not sure why, but it works for me. The couple of times I had them at the recommended spacing they didn't do as well. Could be because they shelter each other from the weather elements, I don't know but that's what I'm putting it down to?
I give them a good soaking in seaweed tonic, as it helps with transplant shock. Today I used my dibbler to prime them out of there cosy homes. I never hold them by their stem, always by their leaves. Broken stems generally won't recover, whereas a leaf and roots can.
Another no/no (probably) I do is after planting them in their bed is push some soil up around there stem, so it means the soil is further up the stem than they were in the punnets. I do this to give them more support while growing or they can grow on a lean.
Afterwards I give them another little drink and sprinkle some neem graduals around each plant, as it's a good soil conditioner and plant food, as well as can deter pests with its smell.
It was hard to photograph but I tried to capture how close I grow them, and the soil pushed up on a seedling I have just planted.
Using this method I have never had any problems and I just wanted to share that sometimes doing things a little against the grain in the garden can work
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