It was our 5 year wedding anniversary on the 17th , being that wood and steel are traditional gifts , we finished the roof on the shed :) .
Spread some of our compost , its the second to last layer on the no dig beds and its postivily living , as good soil should be ,Its nearly plant out time , we watched the movie for the love of soil , if your still big on constant tilling of soil but wonder if there is a better way , I highly suggest a watch .
I am yet again dissapointed with mitre 10s cheep potting mixes , a few of my tomatoes are looking like they are spray effected so possible contamination in the mixes :(
Bunnings stuff seems so much better I may be converted .
Yesterday in the flower feild I got some sweet william and sunflowers planted , The weeds have come on with vengence with the heat and moisture so I need to deal with those .
And of course I made a display of all the flowers flowering here at the moment .
And the odd red catterpillar , is in fact not a catterpillar but a bloodworm , I had some serious concerns at that point as all our gardens are watered from our water tank , but after some reserch and checking with a proffesional , its more likely from a bird and was in shallow water , I did learn they can bite but are no harm to our plants .
And I am happy to announce I am winning against the white fly in the tunnel house , and the aphids seem to be hating the seaweed and fish yates feed so thats a win to .
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