It is a lovely spring day, still chilly but the sun is out and there is the promise of a beautiful day.
Our garden is much the same as last year at the moment. With the lockdowns and Covid restrictions our plans have been either put on hold or moved further and further towards Christmas. We want to put up our garden shed (finally) add a bigger worm farm (that works) add a compost bin and a few more ideas which may not come to fruition this year.
We have had success growing the "Scariest thing in the Garden" Brussel Sprouts and the plant which was grown from seed at the beginning of this year is still going though looking a wee bit sad. It has actually been of interest to our whānau who have come out to see what it looks like.
Our main difficulty at the moment is that under Level 2 we are not allowed to cook, bake or share kai, meaning the spinach which is looking delicious can't be eaten in the usual way of the annual spinach and feta muffin feast. We are hoping that level 1 arrives soon and beautiful delicious smells start to waft out of the kitchen enticing us to try new foods and culinary delights.
Happy gardening everyone, cant wait to see what is happening around the country!
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