dont you got to love new zealand, this is this mornings daily harvest, i made a batch of brown onion chutney lettuce,kale,broard beans celery,chad,cabage,brocli,thanks to my chooks heaps of eggs even managed to sneak a few new spuds, god they were so yummy, 5 top tips are 1.grow a little of every thing, 2 slug and snails are the worse thing out so keep them away (kill them) they can destroy your hard work over night, 3good dirt, compost manure make your soil as good as you can, it does take time but every year inprove it, 4 have a go at seed raising, use good seed raising mix and seeds Yates of course, 5 enjoy it gardening is enjoyable but some times people get to stressed out about the little things, sit back and smell the roses pick at the lettuce or pinch that stawberry,
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